
This fund is set-up to provide support for the Kinkle family and their immediate needs for Kiira. We really appreciate your support!

OR you can purchase supplies (and other items) for Kiira directly from her
Amazon Wish List:

The calculated annual estimate of costs for Kiira’s bandages, medical expenses, and in-home care is about $36,000.

Any amount is very helpful and is 100% tax deductible. For any donation over $250, you will receive an additional tax-deduction receipt for your records. This will be mailed to you in January to the address we have on file. If you donate $250 or above and do not receive this by mid-January, please contact the representative listed here for your donation method:

Navato Fire District:

Mail a check to Navato Fire District
(Please write on the memo line: “Kiira’s fund”)

Novato Fire District
Attn: Novato fire foundation
95 Rowland way
Novato, CA 94945

Or call 425-878-2690 and donate over the phone to Navato Fire District (mention Kiira’s fund).

100% of the proceeds will go to the Kinkle Family if you use a checking account for your donation.

We also have the ability to accept credit cards, so you can find me or a family member who can swipe your card and it will go through the Navato Fire foundation.


Help further EB research by donating to one of these groups.

EB Research Partnership:
EB Research Partnership is working to treat and cure EB as quickly and efficiently as possible. They fulfill their mission by partnering with non-profit and for-profit entities and individual donors, as well as with the EB and research communities.

Epidermolysis Bullosa Medical Research Foundation:
The EBMRF is a volunteer, non-profit Foundation dedicated to helping medical scientists learn more about EB, it’s causes, the development of successful treatments, and, ultimately, its cure.

The mission of DebRA of America is to improve the quality of life for all people living with EB, their families, and caregivers through programs and services while funding research to find a cure and treatments for Epidermolysis Bullosa.

I Refuse EB:
I Refuse EB was launched in 2012 by EB advocate Christie Zink to help raise awareness for EB, promote advocacy and support the research efforts taking place at the University of Minnesota by Dr. Jakub Tolar through the University of Minnesota Foundation (UMF)

Stanford Genetic Skin Research:
Research in the Stanford Department of Dermatology is dedicated toward understanding various skin diseases, among them genetic diseases, such as epidermolysis bullosa. Your support sustains this research mission and can help children like these actual GSDC and LPCH EB patients pictured. Your gift can help heal or prevent genetic skin diseases in future generations.

Thank you for your support!
Jason & Kirsti Kinkle


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