Day +126 Post Bone Marrow Transplant


Day +126: Update about Kiira’s hand: she didn’t use her hand much today to play or eat, but she did crawl around. When I did bandages late this afternoon, I found her entire thumb and pointer finger had skin floating/detached from the skin below it, but the skin was still there, which is good because it heals faster and usually remains free of infection. Her third finger just had a little blisters, but nothing more than usual. So it all looked better than expected and we’ll just pray for faster healing. I’m so thankful it wasn’t worse and I appreciate all your prayers!

I’m also thankful today I was able to visit a moms’ group. It is nice to get back into having a social life, and be encouraged by women in my church. It made me wonder if I’ll ever be able to put Kiira in a childcare class at church because of her skin fragility. I just feel like that’s a lot of pressure to put on a child care worker (having been one), or a teacher in school, or just any babysitter. At this point, I’m fortunate to have family watching over Kiira with care and diligence so we can go to church or on a date or to an appointment, but I know that can’t go on forever. I hope Kiira experiences enough healing that someday I can let go and let her experience life.


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