Day -13 Pre Bone Marrow Transplant #2

Day -13: Today Kiira had a GFR test, which tests her kidney function. Although results are on the lower end of normal, all other tests looked great and we can proceed with transplant. We signed all the papers today and get admitted Sunday. While waiting between tests, we visited the new Quinn Seymour Chapel–it is such a beautiful space and it’s been amazing to see it go from a concept by a fellow EB family to a reality. 
Tonight we went to an event at the hospital and I was able to see some of the local families. It’s so nice to reconnect and know we have support nearby. The things this hospital is doing to advance science and research is remarkable, but even more, they put so much care and thought into making the kids’ comfortable during difficult times. 
Kiira was back to her fun, happy self today. I love how she rebounds so quickly and hope it’s true after chemo too. Thank you for your continued prayers!

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