Day +150: Kiira is doing great. She mimics so many of our words and says “walk, walk” as she has us help her walk around the room. She has a bit of a cold but no fever, so hopefully it doesn’t turn into anything worse with her lowered immune system.
We have so much to be thankful for. We got a package from KicKee Pants with about 10 new outfits for Kiira. Thank you so much to those who purchased them for her. We are thankful for our family and how they support us and are willing to watch Kiira so I can do things like grocery shopping or go to appointments. We are thankful for health insurance: a $318,000 hospital stay and we only had to pay $500. We are thankful for Kiira’s health. She is still healthy and her skin is doing well. And we are thankful for the prayers and support from all of you.
While we are so thankful for so many things, our hearts go out to kiddos like Anton. He is doing better than last night, but still in critical condition. Being in the EB community is not often easy, as there is a lot of heartbreak, but it’s amazing to see God’s faithfulness time and time again.
Please continue to pray for Anton and Kiira’s donor numbers to increase. Thank you!