Day +157 Post Bone Marrow Transplant

12341140_331094720394452_2851725961941383152_nDay +157: We had quite a few blisters to deal with today and now Kiira points them out on her fingers and knows the word “owie”. However, she gets over it quickly. I’ve had a cut on my finger for days and it bothers me constantly. It amazes me how she can just move on.

The past couple of days have been so fun. I took Kiira to the store in her covered stroller for the first time. She loved it and we even ran into one of her Facebook followers. The conversation that ensued was so uplifting and sweet. I love that she is so loved. I also had the opportunity to get a girls’ night out and then took the big sisters to a birthday party on a farm today. It was something I really needed since I’ve had so little time with friends since being back from Minnesota. I love Kiira, but sometimes I just need to experience life outside of her bubble-protected-world for awhile.

Overall she is doing great and we keep praying for the donor cells to grow, infections to stay away, and skin to be healed!

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