After an unexpected turn of events, we landed an overnight stay on the BMT floor. Kiira received the final donor cells after a 2-hour flush with saline and started on her 6-hour flush following the blood. The large volume of fluid led to raised blood pressure and a drop of her oxygen level to 74%. We couldn’t get her oxygen to stay up without an oxygen mask for a couple of hours. By that time, it was late in the day, her blood pressure was/is still high even after IV hydrocortisone, lasix (to help remove fluid), and blood pressure medicine. So we are back on the BMT floor for the night to monitor Kiira, although Kiira is doing well and maintaining her O2 levels now. It’s nice to have someone monitoring her though to make sure she does well through the night.
Kiira has also had some blood in her urine and her sudden runny nose was tinged pink, so all this extra blood is finding its way out. Plus the preservative in the blood makes her smell like cooked veggies, which is almost intolerable at times, but to cuddle with her as I’m doing now is worth enduring the smell.
Please pray her stay is short and she continues to do well through the night.