Day -21: Today was a long day of appointments, including another echocardiogram and EKG. Kiira weighs in at 21.1 lbs, which is more than we thought, but still indicates weight loss since Nov. We meet with a dietician tomorrow and I’m gathering info about an anti-inflammatory gtube diet to give Kiira healthy calories to help her heal and grow normally. We found out her BMT is delayed one day, which means Kiira and Love for Baby Catt (born 2 day apart), will have BMTs on the same day!
Everything looks good so far and having gone through it before, we feel more at ease, although we know it can be a totally different experience. The chemo quantities are nearly the same, but they spread them out further, so we’ll be admitted 9 days before the BMT, on July 24th.
We have also been able to alleviate Kiira’s rash and dramatically reduce her itching. We hope now she can sleep more peacefully and not be in so much discomfort. We meet with a dermatologist next week and maybe they can figure out the cause (was it just heat, EB or something else?).
Tomorrow we go back for more appointments. Thank you for your prayers!