Day +210 Post Bone Marrow Transplant 


The good days continue: the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) results came back negative today! We will keep checking them weekly, but this was so good to see and hope it continues to be negative. 

Yesterday I met with the Infant Development Program, which is a vendor for Alta (a local program to help kids 0-3 years with delays), so Kiira is going to get therapy services. After Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Early Education evaluates her, they can recommend us to Alta to get additional services outside of their scope like medically-based feeding therapy if she needs it, which would save us the expense of it through insurance. So after my frustrated post several days ago, it looks like things are falling into place, even though we got another denial letter from California Children’s Services. 

I also had some wonderful time with friends last night and today. I am so fortunate to have found an amazing group of moms in my church to share life with, and at the same time, planning a trip to see my college friends who have been there through all the ups and downs for over 15 years. I really don’t know what I would do without friends and family. 

Kiira is really picking up on social cues now and understands when we tell her no and she says thank you and please, and gives hugs while saying “Awww”, and freely gives kisses. I love the little person she has become.

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