Day +264 Post Bone Marrow Transplant

1927804_363316517172272_5153994068462527341_nDay +264: While we are still stuck at home during Spring Break, the girls have had so much fun playing together and Kiira has been walking more on her feet than knees the last few days from being around them so much. Sometimes I get frustrated with cancelling plans and often feel like I’m missing out, and today I juggled work and sick kiddos, after being awake from 2-5am while one of our kids was in the bathroom. But despite all that, today my oldest daughter took responsibility for the younger kids, helped clean up after them and comfort them, and she lessened my load. It was a proud mom moment that made me realize today we are right where we need to be.

Kiira has some amazing big sisters and I truly feel they push her to be stronger and braver, and make her feel so loved.

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