Day +268 Post Bone Marrow Transplant

10665669_365350186968905_1515446562498317345_nDay +268: For the first time since transplant, we took Kiira to an outdoor Easter party and let her be out of her bubble. It was probably premature, and she got a bit too much sun, but it was sooo nice attending something as a family–all 5 of us!

Unfortunately this morning she fell and scraped the skin off her nose. It threatened to dampen our day, but watching Kiira interact with others at the party, softened the blow. We gave her a full bath after the party, which is extremely rare, but it caused 3 new injuries. It reminded me why we don’t put her in a bathtub and how well our current washing/bandaging system works. Seeing her body without any bandages was actually shocking to me. I guess I’ve gotten immune to the scars and red spots and milia (little white bumps that occur during healing) as I see them in small doses, one limb at a time, but seeing the whole body…it was shocking.

Tonight I had to explain to my oldest daughter (who asked if Kiira will be healed at age 2) that although we ask for God’s healing of Kiira in this life, sometimes you have to wait for heaven. I’m so thankful we have that hope, but in the meantime, I’ll keep praying for immediate, complete healing and be thankful for the joy she brings to us every day.

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