Day +3 Post Bone Marrow Transplant #2

Day +3: Today we said goodbye to Jason, Miia and Aliisa. It was difficult, but we had a wonderful day together yesterday and sent them on their way this morning. Unfortunately, their flight was delayed so they’ll arrive 7 hours late. Thank you to my mom for staying at the hospital last night so I could stay one more night with the rest of my family and for staying for a few more weeks to help me out!
Today Kiira spiked a little fever, so although she played happily for hours this morning, she has just been laying around or sleeping the rest of the day. We did her central line bandage change, which has been a nightmare lately, but today it went much better and her chest is healing. Because of her fever, I didn’t want to torture her with a cool bath, so we did a shampoo cap and full sponge bath, which is required since she started chemo again today. She will have one more large dose tomorrow, and then we’ll finally be done with it. 
We are thankful for the month we all had together and the good days Kiira has had so far. Miia’s donation went amazingly well–her back is a little tender but overall she is doing great. We continue to pray for those cells, which found their way to Kiira’s bone marrow within a day (amazing!), to grow and that Kiira will feel better soon. We pray that Jason and the girls return home safely and they find a routine that works well for all of them. It will be about 3-1/2 months before Kiira and I can rejoin them at home, if all goes perfectly.

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