Day +5 Post Bone Marrow Transplant #2

Day +5: Kiira is still in great spirits. She is active and playful, but sometimes, understandably, grouchy. She has pretty much stopped eating (9 months of feeding therapy gone, but I know we’ll get it back!) and got sick the last 2 nights. We are finally done with chemo and diaper changes every 2 hours! The chemo affects the bladder so they push a ton of fluid through her and we have to weigh all the diapers. It’s annoying at best, for Kiira too. Hopefully we will both get more sleep tonight since they won’t wake her to change diapers. Overall though, I can’t complain. She is doing well and my mom gives me breaks every afternoon. We read the same books all day long and she loves to sit by the window, but doesn’t ask to go outside or go bye bye anymore. Hopefully in a week or 2 we can leave the hospital when Kiira’s white blood cell and absolute neutrophil counts go up. 
We miss Jason and the girls, but FaceTime is a lifesaver!

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