Day +6 Post Bone Marrow Transplant

Day +6: Every day the doctors come in and say how great Kiira is doing and “The less you see and hear from us, the better” or “a boring day is a good day on the BMT floor”, and it’s true. Kiira’s White Blood Cell (WBC) and Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) are going up–these are measures they use to tell us when we can go home from the hospital. They tend to go up and down and back up since this protocol has low chemo, and we don’t put a lot of weight in the numbers yet. Mucositis is likely to kick in about now, so we’ll be watching Kiira’s mouth closely, but we have another week or so before the hair loss. Kiira almost seems back to normal though, so that is comforting and I thank God for that. She even wanted to play her favorite “Whoa!” game today, where she falls back onto a pillow over and over again giggles. I love seeing her laugh!
Kiira Kinkle

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