Day +77 Post Bone Marrow Transplant #2

14721444_437730969730826_3128508513516282982_nDay +77: All went well today with Kiira’s infusion. We were in clinic for 4 hours and learned some new info during that time. We are going to continue to hold off on the IV meds used to treat CMV and the antibiotic because Kiira’s white blood cell count came up. Our provider did several tests on Kiira today to make sure she doesn’t have antibodies or malfunctioning bone marrow, and a few other things that would account for more serious reasons for Kiira’s white blood cell count drop. So far everything is coming back clear (some tests we won’t know for few more days), so it’s looking more like IV meds were the culprit.

However, CMV also came back as detectable on Monday and that was before we even stopped the IV med. They’re going to draw a new level today to see where it’s at with her not having been on the meds for the past two days. If CMV levels go back up, they will have to do the other treatment in the hospital since this one is depressing her immune system.

Also, if they cannot restart the antibiotic, they will have to do a monthly antibiotic in the clinic for a year, which we can do in California, but I have to take her in every month for that. If her counts stabilize, then they could possibly restart the oral antibiotic.

Kiira did a great job of entertaining herself today, which made the day go by with ease.

Please pray for increased WBC and decreased CMV so we can keep things on track. Thank you!

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