Day -9: Today Kiira went in the OR again to fix her central line. Everything went well and Kiira was so loopy afterward. They let us do her bandages while she was still sedated so that was nice. She was half asleep but wanted water so we sat her up to drink but she kept her eyes closed.
After she came back to normal, she wanted to help the nurse with cleaning her lines, just as she wants to help with bandages, put the pulse ox on her ear, or blood pressure cuff on her leg. She tried putting the thermometer in her tummy but we convinced her to take Buzz’s temp instead. Keeping her involved with her treatment is a good distraction so far.
Kiira started with ATG today, an immunotherapy drug that is similar to chemo but has more immediate side effects. So far she is doing well though–she slept through half of it. Tonight Jason is on shift, so I’m hoping they get a restful night of sleep.
It’s hard to believe we are really doing this again, but I’m relieved that, after all the planning and worry about getting to this point, we are finally here. Please pray for strength for all of us and success of this bone marrow transplant. Thank you!
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