So many of you have asked how you can help us. We love all the support you want to provide, so here are a few ways:
- Pray: pray for total healing, for strength for Jason and me to care for Kiira in the best way possible, but also have energy and time for our other girls, and for comfort that we can feel God is with us through this journey
- EB awareness: no one has heard of EB until you know someone with it. Even many doctors and nurses have never come across this rare condition and because of that, it doesn’t get much research funding, wound care supplies aren’t covered, and people are afraid of it. Let people know about EB and how it affects families in so many ways. You can read more about Kiira’s diagnosis here:
- “Like” Kiira’s Facebook page to follow her progress:
- Caring for Kiira: while we are fighting to get insurance to cover the costs of supplies or get the MediCal waiver and CCS to help with an in-home nurse and supplies, we have set up 2 ways you can donate to Kiira and it’s tax deductible for you or you can buy supplies directly from Amazon:Option 1:
Http:// click on donate. There is a form for mail donation, or email link for info.Checks can be sent to:
Novato fire district
Attn: Novato fire foundation
95 Rowland way
Novato, CA 94945Or call 425-878-2690 and donate over the phone
Make sure you put in item line or form or if you call that it’s for Kiira’s fund and through the foundation. 100% of proceeds will go to caring for Kiira.
We also have the ability to accept credit cards, so you can find me or a family member who can swipe your card and it will go through the foundation.
Option 2:
Donate through Elk Grove Church of Christ and all proceeds will be tax deductible and go to Kiira. You can add a donation on PayPal here: 3:
Purchase supplies for Kiira from Amazon: - Sign up to bring us a meal. We have really appreciated the meals people have already brought to us as it allows us time to care for Kiira and our other 2 girls. We have it set up here, but you will have to sign in to see it:
- Donate to an EB research fund such as or
Please do not feel obligated to give. Your prayers and words of encouragement are needed the most. Thank you for your love and support of Kiira!
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